Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The one word...

I was on the phone today booking a magic show. The man on the other end was giving me some hesitation about booking my show. That's when I used a technique that my Father taught me along time ago.

There is one word that can change the outcome of your conversation. There is one word that will up your "booking ratio". There's one word that is the most powerful word in ANY language.

Are you ready for it?

The word is..."Why?"

I've used this technique for many years when helping a client to go ahead and make a decision to book me.

Usually, when a client gives you some hesitation about booking your show, you're not privy to the real reason and you don't know what to do. This is a typical conversation...

Client: Well that all sounds great.
Magician: Okay, so should we confirm this date right now and I can fax over the contract?
Client: Well... I'm not sure and I'm going to have to get back to you.
Magtician: Okay... just give me call when you know.

And that's it. No show for you because they never call back. However, the word "why" changes things. It makes the client address his REAL concerns about hiring you.

Try it this way:

Client: Well... I'm not sure and going to have to get back to you.
Magician: Why?
Client: I'm just not sure that we can afford you. Our budget is only for $800 and your fee is $900.
Magician: Oh... well, if I could do it for $800 would you go ahead and confirm the date?
Client: Yes.

And there you go! You got another show. Try this in your life and see if it works for you my friends...

Thanks Keith...

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